"If you brew it, they will come"
Tastes Like: Cacao Nibs, Red Currant Jam, Maple Syrup
Roast Level: Light Roast
Brews well as: Drip
Nosy Neighbour is a washed processed coffee from COMSA Co-Op in Marcala, La Paz, Honduras. Café Organico Marcala, S.A. (COMSA) is home to the coffees of 1500 coffee producers.
This particular lot is a washed process carried out at APROCOMSA’s centralized wet-mill dedicated to process organic lots. After farmers meticulously harvest ripe cherries and deliver them to APROCOMSA, the post harvest process begins by floating cherries to eliminate under ripe and damaged coffee. The water is recycled several times to ensure conservation of water. Next the cherries are depulped and the mucilage covered beans are fermented in tanks for 24 hours. Then the coffee is washed mechanically with a demucilager designed to significantly reduce wastewater. The washed coffee in parchment is dried on patios to 11 percent moisture and then stored until preparation for export.
Their education and background reflect their farm’s priority for bird friendly and environmentally sustainable practices. Together they have produced this unique natural processed coffee that we are very excited to get our roast on.
This light roast is a year-round crowd favorite. Giving us rich notes of cacao nibs, red currant jam sweetness and maple syrup. That’s better than a fruit basket right?